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Articles Category: Weight Loss - Article Directory - Add Articles

Articles in Home | Fitness | Weight Loss

  • Weight Loss Programs - Only Three Categories  By : Matthew Hick
    There are most likely very few people who have not tried a diet at one point or another in their lives. In fact, millions of people worldwide start diets every week.
  • Tips On Dieting And Fitness To Lose Weight  By : Low Jeremy
    One program that could make the person have great abs and lose weight is called the Abs diet. Mr. David Zinczenko, author of the book "The Abs Diet Eat Right Every Time Guide" is the person who designed the abs diet. Thos who want to try this should commit to the program over a 6-week period. After which the individual will see a dramatic change such as flatter abs and weight loss.
  • Surgery for the Obese - Desperate Measures  By : Matthew Hick
    The figures are in. The number of overweight Americans is a startling 55% of the population. And, eight million people in the country are morbidly obese.
  • Dieting With Pleasure  By : Richard Barker
    For many people maintaining a healthy weight is a constant struggle pitted against food advertising, your body's own metabolism and an all too hectic lifestyle. There are, however, viable alternatives to expensive commercial diet plans and you might be pleasantly surprised.
  • Mayo Clinic Diet - Weight Loss Wonder or Fraud ?  By : Ken Black
    Can the Mayo Clinic Diet really help you lose weight or is it all a fraud ?
  • Facts About Weight Loss Surgery  By : Yuki Shoji
    Weight loss surgery is a treatment for those who are extremely obese and is a very severe treatment. Weight loss surgery should only be used as a last resort for obesity and should only be used if all other weight loss methods have totally failed.
  • LA Weight Loss - Overview and History  By : Matthew Hick
    If you know anything about LA Weight Loss, then you may know that it is one of the biggest weight loss centers in the world.
  • Common Weight Loss Questions  By : Yuki Shoji
    There are many people that are trying hard to lose weight and often there are questions that come to mind. If you have questions about losing weight then read on to find the answers. Following are several of the most frequently asked questions having to do with weight loss and dieting.
  • Weight Loss Fads and Gimmicks  By : Yuki Shoji
    There are many gimmicks that are advertised that supposedly help you lose weight. One new gimmick is the weight loss patch. It sounds great; in fact it sounds too good to be true
  • The Dangers of Weight Loss Pills  By : Yuki Shoji
    Some weight loss medications can cause side effects such as stroke, heart attack, tachycardia, and in some extreme cases death. These side effects sound scary, but one may wonder how realistic these side effects are.
  • Avoid These Dangerous Weight Loss Methods  By : Yuki Shoji
    Everyone wants to find that magic weight loss program that allows him or her to lose weight easily. Often you will find that you have to give up something to lose weight, however, you should never have to give up your health. Some weight loss methods can be very hazardous to your health.
  • Healthy Weight Loss Tricks  By : Yuki Shoji
    Over and over again we keep hearing the same tips about dieting and it could be helpful to get some new information and new tips for weight loss. Often it can be hard to stay motivated when on a new weight loss diet and having some new tips to guide you along can be helpful. Learn some new helpful tips to help you lose weight and to help encourage you in your pursuit of a slimmer you.
  • Weight Loss Plan  By : Yuki Shoji
    Weight loss can seem difficult but there is very simple math that can be used to help you in your weight loss struggles.
  • Get Abs Without Gym  By : Chung Leong Yu
    How to get abs if you do not have access to a gym? Do not get frustrated! There is still another way and hundreds of others are doing it and still get awesome results!
  • 10 Top Reasons Why You Are Overweight  By : Ken Black
    Do you know why you are overweight? Could it be for any of these top ten reasons?
  • Quick Ways to Lose Weight  By : Kelvin Ho
    With so many diets and weight loss plans on the market, there are many quick ways to lose weight nowadays.
  • Loose Weight - Fast Diet Plan  By : John Pawlett
    Get ready to lose 10 pounds! By paying attention to the amount of food you eat, eliminating unnecessary sugar and fat from your foods and making sure you include absolutely delicious meals and snacks to keep your taste buds happy.
  • 3 Important Surgical Weight Loss Options to Get Information About Before Getting a Surgery  By : Robert L J Bloom
    There are three types of weight loss surgery that are commonly performed on overweight people. These surgeries either make the stomach volume smaller or cut down the digestion tract.
  • Walking Your Way to Weight Loss  By : Wendy Wood
    Walking is a terrific way to increase the affects of your diet and can be the first step in becoming more fit overall. Walking requires very little financial investment and can be incorporated into almost any lifestyle.
  • Unlock the Key to Natural Weight Loss  By : Philip collins
    Here you will find the the key to what doctors believe is natural weight loss.
  • Lifetime Fitness, Stunning Study Reveals Best Physical Occupations  By : Wycliffe Williams
    Lifetime fitness is a goal that would benefit everyone. The American Council on Exercise recently released results of its exclusive study that examined on the job physical activity of 10 common occupations.
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid Pills for Weight Loss  By : Ken Black
    Conjugated Linoleic Acid pills (CLA) can help you lose weight. This is one of the most talked about diet pills on the market right now. Here are the details.
  • Does Atkins Diet Really Work?  By : Daniel Millions
    Secrets about Atkins revealed!
  • The Perfect Balance: Diet + Exercise = Healthy Weight Maintenance  By : Wendy Wood
    Without balance, your weight can fluctuate. Aside from the frustration this causes, studies have shown that yo-yo dieting is actually more harmful than carrying extra weight.
  • Weight Loss Tips For Your Mind And Body  By : Lee Dobbins
    Weight loss is not just physical, a lot of it is psychological as well. Here are some tips for success in both areas.
  • How to Lose 10 Pounds Or More Quickly and Safely  By : Ken Black
    You can lose 10 pounds or more if you follow these simple guidelines.
  • Tips For Weight Loss Without Dieting  By : Dawn Robertshaw
    There are two main reasons why the majority of people are overweight. The first is a high intake of calories. The second reason people are overweight is low activity levels. Now it is up to you to make a change. The goal is to burn more calories than you consume. I am going to give you a few tips to make this possible.
  • Dieting Strategy -- Stop Diet Drop Out  By :
    Diet drop out, a significant problem for all types of diets, requires a new dieting strategy. Exchange it...and watch diet drop out rates plummet. To stop a diet plan before reaching your goal or before reaching a pre-defined time limit is called diet drop out. Not one diet succeeds at keeping diet drop out rates low.
  • 7 Keys for Reducing Calories While Eating Out  By :
    You are in hotel/restaurant, about to order your favorite food. Few tips that u can get your favorite food with very less calories.
  • Words Create An Attitude  By : Mike Durand
    Using a personal pronoun is powerful stuff, because not only are you claiming ownership, you are training your subconscious mind to believe that you can not let go.
  • Hypnosis Weight Loss - Does Hypnosis Work?  By : Sasikumar R Nair
    What Everybody Ought To Know about hypnosis weight loss and how it will quickly and easily help you change the way you think about food, stop the struggle, make you love exercise and become lean for life. Proven hypnosis weight loss methods have helped thousands shed those stubborn pounds who never thought they could.
  • Shedding Unwanted Weight  By : Mike Durand
    Today we eat foods that are processed and contain more fat and chemicals than nutrition. To top it off, we also live sedentary lives.
  • Supercharge Your Weight Loss  By : Terry Brussel Gibbons
    How to supercharge you weight loss program with guided meditation and self hypnosis! Learn mind control secrets that restore youthful appearance and vigor. The pounds and inches drop off easily and effortlessly when you change your way of thinking and being.
  • Which Diet is Best ?  By : Ken Black
    You hear about weight loss programs all the time, but which one is best for you ?
  • Water is Nature's Diet Aid  By : Wendy Wood
    Many dieters tend to overlook the fact that drinking adequate amounts of water can help them to lose weight, as well as keep their bodies healthy.
  • The Elusive Magic Diet Pill  By : Mark Kimathi
    There is such an inherent quest for a quick solution for the excess fat we carry; the quest for the magical diet pill. It reminds me of a joke told of a quick-thinking old man from a far country, who visited New York City with his son.
  • Information By: Mr Financing
    Did you know the ecomony is going to get much much worse?

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