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Articles Category: Wealth Building - Article Directory - Add Articles

Articles in Home | Finance | Wealth Building

  • Flip It or Rent It, Create Larger Profits through Real Estate Investing  By : Kevin Kiene
    Real estate is a tried and true investment that offers both short-term and long-term gains. Before you purchase a property, you will have to determine if it is best to flip the property, make improvements and sell it fast, or rent it out.
  • Tips And Techniques To Successful Investing  By : Joseph Kenny
    The main objective of any investment is to make money and gain from a profit. Experienced investors usually study market trends before investing. However, inexperienced investors depend on the advice from financial advisors and brokers to guide their investments.
  • Learn How To Earn Extra Income Online  By : Daniel Millions
    Learn about 5 ways of acquiring extra income online!
  • Are You Ready To Get Rich Quick?  By : Daniel Millions
    Learn what key steps could help lead you to fast cash!
  • How to Locate Wholesale Properties  By : Kevin Kiene
    Wholesaling generally refers to the process of buying a property for below market price, and then selling it to another investor, usually without fixing up the property it's a procedure also sometimes described as "flipping properties".
  • How To Protect Your Assets And Live The American Dream By Moving Abroad  By : Gregg Hall
    Taxes are a drag for every US citizen who is forced to give away part of their earnings on a yearly basis. While most Americans simply complain over taxes, others are taking a more proactive approach: retirement abroad.
  • Why Does Investing in Real Estate Create Wealth?  By : Kevin Kiene
    When investing in Real Estate, you may choose to buy and rent a property, or you may choose it flip it, buy and sell quickly. The safest way to invest is to buy wholesale properties that are in the sweet spot of the rental market i.e. they are not in the best or worst neighborhoods.
  • The Top 10 Destructive Money Beliefs and How to Overcome Them  By : Dan Clare
    Another superb article about how to overcome destructive money beliefs!
  • How to Get Yourself Out of Debt  By : Terence Young
    Regardless of the level of debt you find yourself in, you can start today to formulate a plan to get out of debt. The unvarnished truth is, debt costs!
  • Are There Really Ways to Make Money Online?  By : Lloyd Lopes
    The heated debate over whether average individuals can actually make a living online.
  • Building Wealth Beyond Reason  By : Stuart Gardiner
    Of all the keys to creating abundant wealth there is probably none more important than paying yourself first! It is the first step anyone should take on the road to building wealth.
  • Should I Take Charge Of My Life Or Should I Let God Take Charge Of It?  By : Adam Khoo
    Recently I had a participant of mine say that he felt that my teachings contradicted his religious beliefs.

    He said that his religion advocated that he should let God choose his destiny and lead his life. Whereas in my seminars, I teach people to take charge of their own lives and their own destinies.
  • How to Think and Act Like the Rich  By : Terence Young
    Virtually everyone dreams of being rich some day. The thought of being able to drive the kind of car you desire, wear the clothes you like, and never have to worry about money being an object can look pretty good to us.
  • What the Rich Know that You Don't  By : Terence Young
    Rich people sometimes come by it naturally. Some of them are born into it and learn the ways of the wealthy from their parents. Others are born with a natural bent toward saving money instead of spending it and other helpful habits. If you don't fit into either of these categories, you can still learn things that the rich know.
  • 7 Secrets to Creating Wealth  By : Terence Young
    Many people study how to become wealthy as if it were a science. While there is always a certain amount of chance in everyone's life, in many ways wealth building can be thought of as a science. Read on for seven of the most salient secrets to becoming wealthy.
  • The True Definition of Wealth  By : Adam Khoo
    Before you can be truly wealthy, you must first know what wealth really means. Again, many people think that a person's wealth is defined by how much he earns, by the clothes he wears, by the house he lives in and by the way he lives. We now know that this is not at all true.
  • Millionaire Habit 4: Delayed Gratification  By : Adam Khoo
    What keeps most people from becoming rich is the habit of wanting instant gratification. Instant gratification is the habit of always wanting to enjoy now and not having the patience to wait for future benefits. As a result, these people spend a lot more than they invest.
  • Your Time is Money  By : Adam Khoo
    Besides taking steps too increase your value, you must also increase the time you spend creating value to boost your income.
  • Strategies to Scale Your Value Immediately  By : Adam Khoo
    So, let's now come to consider how you can begin to massively magnify and multiply the unique value that you have? How can you create multiple streams of recurring income for yourself?
  • How the Rich Manage their Cash Flow  By : Adam Khoo
    Once again, the key difference that sets people apart in their ability to create wealth is not just how much they earn but more importantly, how they manage the cash that flows through their hands.
  • Millionaire Habit 3: Take 100% Responsibility  By : Adam Khoo
    Wealth habit number three is the habit of taking responsibility for your results and wealth! Unfortunately most people choose to adopt the victim's mindset of giving excuses, blaming and complaining.
  • How to Translate Value into More Income?  By : Adam Khoo
    If you are self-employed, then creating more value will automatically translate into higher profits & income. However, as an employee, tripling the value you create is no use unless it translates into a higher price tag.
  • The Greatest Money Making Asset That Will Make You A Fortune  By : Adam Khoo
    So what is this one asset that all of us already have at our disposal?

    No, it's not your double degree, MBA or PhD. from the best universities. And no, it's not the inheritance the 'lucky' get from rich dad, rich uncle or rich grandma to kick-start their business.
  • Commanding the Highest Price Tag  By : Adam Khoo
    There is available a veritable treasure chest of strategies to massively increase your income and get you on your way to financial abundance.
  • Why You Are Not Rich Yet  By : Adam Khoo
    Let me first ask you this question, 'why are you not rich yet?' 'What has prevented you from getting the wealth you deserve?'
  • How to Spend 100% of Your Time On High Value Activities  By : Adam Khoo
    You may be wondering to yourself, 'But, I am an employee! How can I choose to only do work that is of high value? Who am I going to delegate it to? Many of the low value work like checking emails & paperwork are still necessary, they must be done!'
  • Millionaire Habit 6: Acting With Integrity  By : Adam Khoo
    Many people have the perception that the fabulously rich and powerful are dishonest and unethical. And who can blame them after hearing stories of how millionaire executives rip off their shareholders in scandal after scandal on Wall Street?
  • The Four Levels of Wealth  By : Adam Khoo
    There are basically four levels of wealth you must aim to attain.
  • How to Double Your Company's Profits in Less than Six Months  By : Adam Khoo
    Many have people have asked me, 'what can I do to increase my company's sales and profits?' Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, I am going to share with you a formula that you can use to double the profits of your department or company within less than six months. I call this the Profit Multiplication Formula.
  • Millionaire Habit 5: Love What You Do  By : Adam Khoo
    The most common question that people ask about getting rich is, 'What is the best career or business that will make me the most money? Should I go into education? Food? Insurance? Network marketing? Heathcare? Options trading? Property? What's the best industry to be in right now?'
  • Money is a Game... You Must Learn How to Play It  By : Adam Khoo
    You see, making money is a game. If you learn the rules of this game, money will flow into your hands. If you do not play by the rules, you will struggle all your life financially despite working very hard.
  • Millionaire Habit 7: Be 100% Committed  By : Adam Khoo
    There is a very big difference between wanting to become a millionaire and being 100% committed to becoming a millionaire.
  • 7 Steps to Financial Abundance  By : Adam Khoo
    Is there a formula for wealth creation? Do all self-made millionaires take the same steps to amass their fortunes? If we were to do an in-depth study of how self-made millionaires think and act, would we find some common clues that we can learn from? The answer is yes.
  • Millionaire Habit 2: Be Proactive  By : Adam Khoo
    In my live Wealth Academy seminars, I usually do an exercise where I get people to stand up, go to as many people as they can and introduce themselves.
  • Why Madonna Earns More Than You  By : Adam Khoo
    Let me pose you this question. Between a pop star like Madonna and a heart surgeon, who creates greater value in a person's life?
  • The Biggest Lie Ever Told About Wealth  By : Adam Khoo
    Why is it that 90% of the population find it so difficult to become rich? It is because all of us have been told the greatest lie of all, the lie that has been keeping us from becoming rich. Before you can ever become wealthy, you must first discover the truth about wealth and remove the wool that has been pulled over your eyes for way too long.
  • Information By: Mr Financing
    Did you know the ecomony is going to get much much worse?

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