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Articles Category: Cars And Trucks - Article Directory - Add Articles

Articles in Home | Cars And Trucks

  • Brady Jared Teen Driver Safety Act  By : John Murray
    This article gives the history of the Brady Jared Teen Driver Safety Act, and what it means for some teenagers.
  • Ethos FR and the Olympics?  By : Amy Hansen
    Ethos FR is a product that saves money on fuel and oil and reduces emissions. Many people around the world use Ethos FR to save money and help the environment.
  • Car Rental Vehicle Options  By : John Layton
    Renting a car is just like buying one. Don't let chance take place when you are choosing...
  • Incorrect Information On Your Speeding Ticket? What It Can Do For You  By : John Murray
    If your speeding ticket has been incorrectly filled out, there is a good chance your case can be dismissed. This article explains how.
  • How To Build Your Own Sports Car  By : Gregg Hall
    Many sports car fans have gone into production! That's right, they have built their own sports cars-often to resemble some of the most rare and valuable sports cars in history.
  • How To Avoid A Speeding Ticket  By : John Layton
    Speeding tickets are one of the most annoying things that can happen even to experienced drivers.
  • The True Cost Of A Speeding Ticket  By : John Layton
    It's not just the fine you'll pay and the time you'll waste, that's just the top of the iceberg...
  • How To Get A Cheap Car Rental  By : John Layton
    Always look for the best car rental offer.
  • Preventative Car Maintenance in Summer Helps to Avoid Breakdowns  By : David Maillie
    A great article on how to properly care for your car during the hot summer months and make this a trouble free summer.
  • Hybrid Cars - The Cars Of The Times!  By : David Maillie
    With the recent rise in energy and oil prices, and the resultant high gas prices it has become necessary to find alternative methods and sources. Hence the hybrid car.
  • Safe Driving Tips - Hold Life in Your Grips  By : David Maillie
    Even with the advent of all the latest life saving and accident avoiding technologies found standard on most cars many accidents still occur and could easily be avoided. Here are some great tips to keep you safe both as a driver and as a passenger.
  • Electricity and Hydrogen Powering Your Automobile  By : Charles Cater
    So you've finally decided to start taking a look at alternative fuel sources in earnest. You have reviewed the Bio-Fuels currently available, E85, M85, Biodesiel. But you yearn for something with a little more pizzaz and class. You want a car that emmits no CO2's so what choices are the automotive guys cooking up for your desires.
  • A New Car Buying Guide  By : Colin Ayres
    The following information will help you begin to research, compare, build, and price automobiles quickly and conveniently. In the end, you'll get better prices on any of the new cars you are interested in.
  • Dealing With The Car Dealer  By : Sandra Stammberger
    If you are looking for a new car or an old one, then you will have to go to a car dealer.
  • A Guide to Buying Used Cars  By : Colin Ayres
    As a consumer, you are not only searching for the best used car quotes, but you are also trying to weed out used cars with mechanical and structural problems.
  • Driving Safely as You Get Older  By : ian Williamson
    Driving a car is a very complex task. You need good perceptual and judgement skills and you must pay constant attention to detail from your car and the world around you.
  • Harbor Credit Breaks Down Auto Loans (And How Auto Loan Applications Are Approved)  By : Colin Ayres
    A breakdown of the auto loan process, beginning with what obtaining a new or used auto loan means, and ending with what it takes to get one. Read how even the most inexperienced consumers can get a great auto loan.
  • Tips fpr Buying a Second Hand Vehicle  By : ian Williamson
    The over all look of a used automobile or truck is a very significant sign of how the vehicle has been taken care of. Is the general look of the vehicle consistent with the miles and the price that is being asked?
  • The use of Car Battery  By : Hans Hasselfors
    When most people think of a car battery, what comes to mind is usually basic information that's not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there's a lot more to a car battery than just the basics.
  • A Guide to Car Leasing  By : Hans Hasselfors
    Do you ever feel like you know just enough about car leasing to be dangerous? Let's see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from car leasing experts.
  • The Appeal of Sports Cars  By : ian Williamson
    Sports cars are performance vehicles that provide driving satisfaction and pleasure. They allow a person to engage in the absolute driving experience and be in touch directly with the highway or road, as diametrically as possible
  • Tips for Buying an Imported Car  By : ian Williamson
    Imported luxury sports cars are longed for by many car buyers and collectors. The US is one of the many countries who love to import luxury vehicles like sports cars. There are new ones but there are also used luxury cars that are sold in the car market.
  • Can a Car Help Attract Women ?  By : ian Williamson
    Thinking of getting attention? Do you crave the feeling of being noticed and looked at because of the car that you are driving? Do want the feel of masculinity and the allure it exudes? Then getting a nice sports car for you might be a good start.
  • Keep Your Sports Car in Top Condition  By : ian Williamson
    Making sure that your sports car is in shape all of the time is not difficult. All it takes is preventive maintenance to avoid the hassle of taking it to a repair shop when the engine suddenly dies or the lights in the control panel light up.
  • Cars for Chicks?  By : ian Williamson
    Looking at different kinds of cars, one can't help but notice that each car has a special trait, a characteristic that makes it what it is. And we cannot help but categorize a car by its looks and features. On sports cars for girls, one usually arrives at an image of a convertible roadster that is small and compact.
  • Make Driving a Sports Car a Reality  By : ian Williamson
    You've always dreamed of getting your hands on that Porsche or Ferrari to race it down the tracks or to cruise around looking good behind the wheel.
  • How To Deal With The So Called Automotive Finance Manager  By : Gregg Hall
    Every Dealership has their own finance department and they call their finance people different things but usually give them the title of Finance Manager even though many times they are simply a good salesperson that they sent to Finance and Insurance School to learn to sell the financial products and be licensed to do so.
  • How To Lease A Car The Right Way  By : Gregg Hall
    Leasing can be very confusing and there is a bit of a paradox here. If you do it right leasing can save you a ton of money and allow you to drive a much nicer vehicle than you could otherwise afford, but done wrong it can cost you thousands!
  • Why It is Harder To Buy A Used Car  By : Gregg Hall
    Buying used cars is totally different than buying new. For starters most people looking for used cars must deal with sellers in less than ideal environments. From shysters selling cars on the side of the road to the little independent lots around your town and even up to the used car operations at major dealerships the used car business is still fraught with questionable tactics at the very least.
  • Is Buying A Used Car A Smart Move Or A Dumb Mistake  By : Gregg Hall
    Buying a used vehicle can be a very smart move, actually one of the smartest moves you can make in regards to buying a car. However, it is often one of the dumbest mistakes for many people.
  • 4 Steps to Sports Car Ownership  By : ian Williamson
    Driving around town in a brand new sports car may be one of the best experiences for a driver. Sports cars don't only give superior driving performance and comfort; they also give confidence to the owner of the car.
  • An Insider Look At Auto Dealerships  By : Gregg Hall
    Going to a car dealer to buy a car is a scary experience for some and angry one for others. If you know a little more about the inner workings and structure of the average car dealership you will be less likely to be so apprehensive and you will be equipped to know what to look out for and what to expect.
  • How To Avoid The High Pressure Tactics Of Car Salesmen  By : Gregg Hall
    If you are an adult chances are you have had an experience at a car dealer that wasn't among your best memories. If you take a look at some of the guidelines below it can help to deal with these tactics and keep your next experience from being a bad one.
  • Are You A Difference Buyer Or A Payment Buyer?  By : Gregg Hall
    There are many different types of buyers that come into car dealerships and they are classified into certain categories and the negotiation process is governed by the type of buyer they are. You want to avoid being classed like this because the less you let them know the better it will be for you.
  • Public Car Auctions And Online Car Auctions  By : Marc Lindsay
    Buying cars from auctions is cheaper to buying from a dealer. Find out why it is and how you can start saving money yourself.
  • The Credit Rebuilding Car Sales Scam  By : Gregg Hall
    With the rise in bankruptcies, repossessions, and general bad credit in the United States it has given birth to a whole new segment of the car business that is designed specifically to prey upon these types of people. That's right I said prey upon.
  • Information By: Mr Financing
    Did you know the ecomony is going to get much much worse?

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